Category Archives: Advice
Buying a Domain Guide: The Do’s and Don’ts

So you’ve finally found the domain you’re looking for and have agreed on a price with the second party, kudos! This article covers buying a domain from a person that’s willing to sell it, not an unregistered domain. Normally second-hand domains go for anywhere between $50 to a couple million dollars. Don’t Buy a Domain…
Take Your Brain to the Gym

It boggles me that as humans we see it completely natural, sometimes even a necessity to go to the gym and workout our body but we don’t have the same process for our brains. Even though we really do need it. Taking short and quick exercises every day helps improve brain attention, speaking skills, processing…
How to Debate Like a Professional

Let me start by saying, being right isn’t enough. You also need to be an effective communicator. By this I mean you need to understand how the other person’s brain is wired, and why they think the way they do. Then communicate accordingly in a way that is acceptable for them to indulge information. Here…